Most divers, at some point or another in their diving career will want to dive deeper. In fact, many students, on their first day of training, ask how deep they can go after they are certified. Additionally, they instinctively ask what is required in order to dive deeper. Adventurous divers are inherently attracted to deeper waters, and the mystery that lies within them. In contrast, some divers are simply attracted to diving deep to satisfy their egos, or to test themselves — deep diving is not recommended if this is your motivation.
A responsible diver will consider deep diving when he feels completely comfortable, and is in control of himself and his equipment, and is confident diving within the 24 meter / 80 feet range. There is no magic number of dives that dictates whether or not a diver is ready to dive deeper. It is based on each diver’s overall level of training, amount of experience, and ultimately, if the diver feels he is ready for the additional responsibility that deep diving requires. This is why the SNSI Advanced Open Water Diver course dedicates this section specifically to deep diving.
Self-control and discipline are essential characteristics for divers that want to dive deeper. Working with your buddy, you will be required to check, double-check and triple check your dive plan, equipment and breathing gas before the dive, and do it all over again. During the dive, you must keep a close eye on your computer and / or gauges to adhere to your dive time and maximum depth, while maintaining gas management.
SNSI Deep Diving training will help you gain experience and hone your skills while progressively diving deeper under the supervision of an SNSI Instructor. You will also learn the academic knowledge necessary to help you understand what deep diving truly is about and apply this knowledge to your deep diving as well as when diving in shallower waters.